
January 27, 2012

18 months and the "Terrible 3's"

Austin had his 18 month appointment, a little early, last Monday.  He won't actually be 18 months until Sunday, but I was desperate to find a new pediatrition.  I am pretty sure we found one for now.  The new doctor was recommended by a friend, thanks Ellen!  Everything went pretty well, the office is close, and we only had to wait about 5 minutes to see the doctor.  Which is a great improvement from the hour we had to wait at our last visit with the other pedi.  She asked tons of questions so I could get her up to speed on Austin's condition.

18 month stats:
weight: 17lb11oz < 3rd%
height: 30.75in 14th%
head: 18in 7th%

She was a little disappointed that he had lost around 7 ounces since his last appointment.  However, it could be a difference in scales, so we are scheduled to see her again in 6 weeks.  She wasn't too worried about him not walking yet, but will be if he doesn't improve soon.

Austin 18 months - He has such a cute little personality.  He knows how to say almost anything.  Off the top of my head he can say: Daddy, Mama, Noah, kitty, No, drink, more, please, choo-choo, Nanny, up, gweee (which is draw or color), tee-tee, bath, tractor.  He is can take 4-5 steps, but perfers to crawl because that is faster.  He will sit on the stairs and walk to us, when begged to but he will make you do the sad face for him first.  He is now down to one nap, but it is a good nap.  He still goes to bed rather early, around 7.  He loves to watch Elmo and Abby on my phone.  He is not really a morning person, and takes a while to wake up.  He LOVES baths, that will help any bad mood.  He also really loves his brother, although they are starting to fight.  He likes to wake Noah up every morning.  He is still getting used to eating food more often.  He is starting to take more bottles, which is good for his weight, but not good for breaking him of the bottle soon.  He is still having a few breath holding spells a week, but they are by far less frequent and less intense.  We have been seizure free since December 9th!!  His tubes also seem to be helping everything.  He loves to walk pushing his train around the house.  We just love him so much, I am excited to see him grow and learn more!

Terrible 3's
It is a good thing that you bond with your baby when they are an infant because the terrible 3's will kill you. And if anyone tells you any different they are lying to you.  Noah is defiant on everything.  Yesterday he told me to "kiss his butt" but thought it was funny.  I suppose it was something he learned at school, but it put me over the edge.  I had to call Adam for a rescue.  He also had the first born curse.  He expects to be constantly entertained!  He also loves screen time way to much.  So lately we are trying to limit the games on the Leapster, Iphone, and TV watching.  So he has been forced to be creative and play alone.  Which doesn't help the terrible 3's because he acts up to get my attention. I need to learn to breath and keep my cool better, so I do not give him the satisfaction of pushing me over the edge (easier said than done!)  On top of all the bad behavior lately, he has stopped napping.  Which will make his attitude way worse, and it makes for a really long day for both of us.  So again, luckily he was so darn cute as a baby, because lately he is pushing the limits.

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