
July 25, 2008

37 Week and 5 Days

You do the math, yep they changed my due date to August 10th. It seems that I will be pregnant for one more week. The good thing is I won't be induced early! Bad news is we will have to wait one more week until we meet out baby. Everything was good at the doctors office, now we just wait.

July 17, 2008

37 Weeks and 3 Days Appointment

I had my 37 week appointment today. It was uneventful, there is still a baby in there. Although she did say his heart rate is starting to slow, which is sign he is getting ready for his birthday!! Let's hope it will be sooner than later.

July 16, 2008

Full Term

Well I am officially past full term, and yes I am still pregnant. Here are some pictures of my belly.

July 15, 2008

36 Week Appointment & Full Term

Well I had by 36 Week appointment last Friday. The appointment was uneventful. I didn't gain any weight again woohoo!! But the little boy is growing on schedule. Even though my appointment was uneventful, I still had to spend 3 hours at the hospital because our car broke down. It was a dead battery, I am just glad we got it fixed before the baby got here.

So as of today I am officially full term!! I am very excited, baby Noah can come whenever he is ready.

Take our quiz, and get in on the baby Noah pool.


July 9, 2008

Nusery Done!

Well I finally finished the last details in the nursery. While doing it I decided to completly flip flop the room. Here are the final pics.

Crib and wall letters.

Changing table and Sailbot shelf

A wall quilt that I recieved at my shower, I love it!

Wall letters

Upclose of Sailboat Bedding from BRU

My husband's art project for the baby, this was for our birthing class

Closeup of the wall shelf

Pictures from our wedding in the room

Close up of the paint before the chair rail

35 Week Appointment

My 35 week appointment was pretty uneventful. Baby boy is getting bigger and so am I! I am now down to weekly appointments. My next appointment is on July 11th. I am in the home stretch!

July 3, 2008

35 Weeks!

I can't believe that I am already 35 weeks. Here are my latest belly pics. I have my appointment this afternoon. I will give an update later.