
March 8, 2012


We had a Neurologist appointment on Monday.  It went really well.  She was very impressed that Austin has not had a Seizure in 3 months.  She fairly happy with most of his progress, however, she would like to do a follow up MRI in the next few months if he is still behind.  

On Wednesday we had our follow-up pediatrician appointment.  Austin has gained 2% or 7 ounces in a month.  For him, this is a reason for celebration!  So he is now 18lbs 5 oz.  The doctor is happy about his progress, but would like to see him walking more.  So we are now set up for physical therapy sessions, coming soon.  We also had to do a complete blood work up, for Celiac, Iron, feritin levels, blood cell counts, thyroid etc.  Hopefully we will get the results in a few days.

The overall mood around her lately has been pretty good.  The boys are finally not sick, and are in fairly good moods.  Austin is even getting some molars and we are down to a BHS only every other day or so.  

......KNOCK ON WOOD...... I think Noah is finally getting passed the terrible 3s.  He has been so sweet and loving lately.  

He is growing up way to fast, I miss my baby!

March 4, 2012

Where have we been?

Wow, it has been a few weeks since I last posted.  Where have we been?  We took a fun trip to San Diego to visit grandma and grandpa.  It was so nice to see the sun and sand for a few days.  The boys had so much fun, it was a good change of scenery.

Noah feeding the birds in San Diego Animal Park.

Before we left I decided it was finally time that I take care of myself and visit the doctor.  I decided to go to the gastrointestinal doctor.  Ever since I was in high school I have always had weird stomach issues.  After Noah was born I became randomly allergic to eggs, flax seed, and cantelope.  After speaking with the Dr he decided to do a blood panel to check for Celiac Disease.  I got the results while in CA.  The results came back negative for me having Celiac, but they did determine that I have a wheat and gluten intolerance.  Which is a much better diagnosis than I expected.  The good news?  I will not be more susceptible for Colon Cancer (which my grandmother had) but I still need to drastically change my diet.  The bad news?  I am a carrier of Celiac Disease.   I got it from someone in my family and I can pass it on my my children. Which means someone in my family has it undiagnosed.   One of the main indicators of Celiac in children is a diagnosis of failure to thrive, which is Austin.   So next week I have several Doctor appointments to get Austin tested.  Luckily this could answer a ton of our questions if he is positive. As much as I want those answers, I do not want for him to have Celiac.  A kid should be able to have pizza and cake at a birthday party.  So more to come on that.

We have been seizure free for 3 months!!  Not BHS free, but seizure free is the first step.  Austin is still having a BHS every few days.  He is very temperamental while teething, which seems to be the cause.  Pain is still the main trigger, but being tired and mad is the second trigger.

But we do have some good news!  Look who is walking!!

This is not his preferred mode of transportation, but at least it is a good start!  Go Austin!!

So next week we have a weight check, blood draw for both boys for Celiac screening, a sleep study, a follow up at the Neurologist, and a follow up at the gastrointestinal doctor for me.  I am hoping the doctor appointments will slow down at this.