I know it has been forever, I feel like I never get time on here. Being a mommy is a busy job. Little man had his 2 month check up this week and he has grown!! He is now 13.5lbs and is 25inches long. He is in the 95% for length. He is so precious, I will get some pictures this weekend to post.
We are also having some issues with acid reflux, so I had to make some lifestyle changes. Over the last weekend I started letting him sleep in his bouncy and keeping him upright after feedings. He is now a different baby, he is so happy. Now we don't need to give him medicine. However, it is very time consuming, so I decided to get a Moby Wrap. I LOVE IT! It is the best invention since sliced bread! He and I so are so much more comfortable, and I love being a baby wearer!
October 10, 2008
August 26, 2008
First Bath!!
2 Week check up
Noah had his 2 week check up today! He weighs 9lbs 14oz! He gained 1 lb in a week! he is also 22.5 inches long. He loves to eat! Lately he is eating almost every hour or every 2 hours. He is so precious, I love him so much.
So below is the update:
Birth 8.9oz 20.5 inches
1 week 8.13oz
2 weeks 9.14oz 22.5 inches 50th percentile for weight and head, 75 percentile for length, he takes after his daddy.
August 23, 2008
The joys of motherhood

Now my days consist of counting poopy diapers, and feeding on demand. Sleep? What is sleep? I also spend my days taking sitz baths to repair what damages occurred during labor. I didn't even have any tears and I still cringe when I go to the bathroom. I can't imagine those who have severe damage. I haven't had much post partum, I feel pretty good, but I am afraid to leave the house on my own. I am afraid that as soon as I leave he will need to be fed, and I will be stuck somewhere I don't want to be. I am also afraid that I will have to go to the bathroom without my water bottle, which is a life saver by the way. I am sure all of this will pass with time, at least I hope so. Another thing I wasn't quite prepared for was the engorgement, OMG. The pain of your breasts about to explode is so hard to explain until you have experienced it. Luckily this has gotten much better, but I was not prepared for this. Tylenol and frequent nursing is the cure. I didn't care if he was sleeping at times, I made sure he ate every 2 hours to give me some relief. I also pumped a bit, but that seems to make things worse. Whatever I pumped it came back 2 fold.
I really cherish the time that Adam is at home to take us places, I like having him around. He is such a big helper and a great father. With all the changes, I can tell you, good and bad they are all worth it. Being a mother is the most rewarding experience, I get to take care of this little being that I love so much. He is so innocent and changes so much everyday. We are truly blessed.
August 20, 2008
1 Week Old

I can't believe he is already one week old today. We had our first pedi appointment yesterday. He is very healthy and is now up to 8lbs 13oz. The pedi was very suprised that he has gained so much weight. He also lost his umbilicle cord yesterday. It was a bitter sweet moment for me, that was the last thing he had that was attached to me. It makes me feel like he is growing up so fast already.
Sleeping has been pretty good, he is on a 2 hour schedule. Last night he was a little more fussy than normal and wanted to eat every 20 minutes. Evidently this is a normal growth spurt they experience around 1 week of age.
My recovery is going pretty well. I am still very sore and have been having some sevre cramping. Adam tried to stay the night at the fire department the other night and I just couldn't do it all by myself so he decided to come home. I am feeling much better today, but I tend to do too much rather than rest.
Noah had his first photo shoot yesterday, the pictures are so precious. I will post a link to them when they are available.
Cherish the moments you have with your little one, time goes by so fast. I am so blessed to have such a precious baby, I love him so much.
August 15, 2008
Noah Riley 8/13/08

Noah Riley is finally here, I was 41 weeks and so ready to meet my precious son. After about 27 hours of natural labor using the Bradley method he was born at 7:07 Wednesday 8/13/07.
This is my birth story:
I had been having contractions every night for several days before. They were always 10 minutes apart and would start around 8:00 every night. I would always go to bed thinking this was it, and I would wake up the next morning with them gone.
On Tuesday 8/12 I woke up to attend acupuncture at 9:00am. Since I was overdue, I was hoping this would get labor started. The therapist said to expect contractions within 4-5 hours, if no contractions I would be back the next day. Well one appointment is all I needed. At 1: 00pm I was sitting on my computer and I felt a warm gush go into the kitchen table chair. It was almost like I peed my pants, there was enough water to soak through the chair cushion. I was so excited, this was it, my water had broken. Or at least I thought it had broken. I called My husband with the great news, he was on his way home. I was still feeling great, so I decided to make my last meal of mac and cheese.

By the time my husband got home it was 2:00 and I started having mild contractions. They didn't get any stronger and were not in a very good pattern. I called my birthing instructor because I was worried that things were not getting started. She encouraged me to walk and to do heavy double nipple stimulation. Conveniently it was 100 degrees outside that day, so we decided to walk the mall to get things started. We stayed at the all until 6:00, I was starting to get uncomfortable so we decided to head home. I was excited to get home and watch gymnastics to pass the time. At 10:30 pm I was sitting on the couch still having mild contractions when I felt a pop, like popcorn was popping in my belly. I stood up and it literally felt like a gallon of water gushed out of me. I yelled for my husband he came down and was like oh my goodness. This made me laugh, which made more water come out, then I had a contraction and it was still coming out. When they say you will know if you water breaks, it is so true. It seems that I had only sprung a leak earlier in the day. From this point the contractions started again, this time staying around 10 minutes apart. We cleaned up the mess, and I told my husband to try and get some sleep so he can make it through this. Our goal was to labor at home as long as possible then we would go to the hospital. My husband went to bed and I stayed up having mild contractions that were around 10 minutes apart. I continued to do double nipple stimulation to keep things going. This made the contractions much harder, by 2:00am they were much stronger and around 5 minutes apart. I decided to go and wake up my husband. The contractions stayed around 5 minutes apart until around 6:30am. I was having severe back labor, the only position I liked at this point was to be on my hand and knees.
My favorite position:

My husband would massage my back with a heating pad, this was a life saver. I was completely normal in between contractions, but would focus very hard during a contraction. At 6:30 am we had a choice to make, we could head for hospital during morning traffic or wait it out until 9:00am. We decided to wait it out. At 9:00am we left for the hospital, at this point I was in active labor. I had around 4 contractions in the car, these were absolute hell because of my back labor. When we got the hospital I was an emotional wreck, I was afraid. I can't explain it, but getting to the hospital is so emotional, I knew that this was it and I didn't want to be sent home for little progress. When we got there they had a room all ready, thank goodness. I got checked right away and I was already 6cm dilated! We were there to stay. Since I was having a natural labor, I didn't get an IV and only had intermittent fetal monitoring. I spent all of my time in the spa tub or on my hands and knees. Around 1:00 I hit transition.

I chose not to get checked until this point, but I just knew something was different. The midwife checked me and I was 10cm! It was time to push. Pushing was very hard and not sometihing that you know how to do until you do it. I had about an hour of learning. At this point the midwife checked me again. I had redeveloped a lip on my cervix and couldn't push anymore. I had to wait to re-dialate to a 10. I had to resist pushing during contractions for 2 more hours to see what would happen. If I didn't wait then I would swell and need an EPI or C-Section, which I didn't want. This was so hard, but I knew I had to do it. My husband and midwife were amazing. Which each contraction the midwife would move my cervix over his head. At 3:00 finally I could push again. It felt so good to push, I was so ready to meet my son. I pushed for 3 hours, and again it was hard to understand. They decided to get me a mirror so I could see how to push. This was a life savor, literally. I would not have been able to get him out without feeling and seeing his head everytime I pushed. Finally his head popped out, this is when things got a little scary. Evidently I was having back labor because he was sunny side up, but right at the last minute he decided to switch and his shoulders became stuck. This only lasted around 30 seconds, but I owe my life and my son's life to the nursing staff and my midwife. The nurse got on top of me and she pushed his body from the outside and the midwife pulled his head at the same time I pushed. The cord was also wrapped around his neck. Wihtin seconds they were able to get him out. They were so amazing that I didn't even having one tear! Noah Riley was born on 8/13 at 7:07pm. He immediately went on my chest and breast fed. I was so emotional and happy. The pain of labor was immediately gone.

Natural childbirth was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but it was the best thing I have ever done. I found places within my soul that I never knew I had in me. This experience has made me grow as a person, and has made my marriage so solid. Even though it was really hard I would do it all over again in heartbeat. Noah is so alert and healthy. There isn't one thing wrong with him, and I know that I have given him the best gift to start his life on the right foot.
For all of you that want to do natural childbirth, I can't even explain the joy and sense of accomplishment it birngs to your life. Good luck, and know that if I can do it for 27 hours, you can do it to!
Noah Riley:
First Diaper Change:
Mom and baby:
My recovery is going very well. I didn't have any tears, but I am still a little sore. Bleeding is much like a heavy period, and my belly is only 1/4 the size it was. Breastfeeding is going very well. For anyone wanting try breastfeeding, I would see the lactation specialist, even if it is going well. They are so encouraging, and give you so much information.
Good luck to all, and I hope you enjoyed my story!
August 12, 2008
41 Weeks
Yep, I am either 41 weeks or we were right about my due date. Which would make me 2 days overdue. Below is an article that Adam sent me to keep me moviated. I have been having contractions every night that are 10 mins apart, this has been the longest early labor ever.
By the end of pregnancy, you're probably ready to be done. You're huge, your belly is pendulous, you can barely sleep, and you have to pee every ten - no wait, every seven - minutes. Most women hope to deliver early, and these hopes soar in the last weeks.
Your due date arrives! And...it passes. No changes in your body, your dilation, but your mood plummets.
Going overdue often makes pregnant women depressed. You are ready to be finished, prepared for labor, perhaps have family arriving to help with the transition, yet you are still pregnant. You might feel like a failure - after all, you aren't doing your job. No baby to show for your forty weeks of effort. If it goes on, you might feel that you will never go into labor.
If this is where you are, take heart. Forty weeks is an estimate, and your actual due date is an estimate too. Your baby will be born soon. Relax, do something fun, like go see a movie. Try to forget that you're pregnant (it doesn't help to dwell on it - thinking about labor will not cause it to occur any sooner - sometimes trying to forget that you're past your due date is good therapy). Your life will change dramatically very soon.
Avoid induction for arbitrary reasons. If you are more than a week overdue, you will need to be monitored by your OB to make sure that the placenta is functioning and the baby is doing fine. As long as everything is going well, do not be induced. There are complications associated with induction, especially in first-time moms, and you and your baby will be better off if you allow labor to start on its own. Your body will be better able to respond to labor, and you will know that your baby is full-term and ready to be born.
If you have family arriving and feel pressured to have a baby while they're in town, please readjust your priorities. Your baby has one chance to be born, and it should be as free from risk and complications as possible.
One word on how labor begins: The baby's lungs are the last organs to complete their development. Once they are mature, they release a protein, and that protein causes the release of other hormones that initiate labor. If you haven't gone into labor yet, it is because your baby's lungs are not yet entirely ready. Hang in there. You will go into labor.
If you are concerned about the baby gaining weight, there is usually not cause to worry. Ultrasound weight estimates can be inaccurate by 2 lbs either way, on average. Most methods of estimating fetal weight tend to overdiagnose macrosomia (large babies). Do listen to your doctor, but keep in mind that it is ultimately your decision whether to be induced or not.
If you are overdue and there is no evidence of complications:
Do not be induced. Labor will begin on its own when both you and your baby are physically ready.
Do not dwell on your pregnancy. Do something fun. Try to forget you are pregnant.
It is OK to take yourself off the radar for a while. Do not answer the phone or accept visitors, if you are feeling antisocial. You might want to record a message on your answering machine to say that you are still pregnant and doing fine. Take care of your emotional needs.
Use the time to finish up any projects or arrangements you haven't yet completed. Make sure the baby's space is ready. Pack your birth bag. Do some cleaning (getting on your hands and knees to scrub a floor is especially helpful to get the baby in the right position for birth!). Or get some much-needed rest.
You WILL go into labor. This is a tough time for you, but no one is pregnant forever. And you won't be the first, I promise!
Updated to include this press release, dated 21 February 2008:
Lamaze International recommends that a woman allow her body to go into labor on its own, unless there is a true medical reason to induce. Allowing labor to start on its own reduces the possibility of complications, including a vacuum or forceps-assisted birth, fetal heart rate changes, babies with low birth weight or jaundice, and cesarean surgery. Studies consistently show that inducing labor almost doubles a woman's chance of having cesarean surgery.
— Lamaze International Press Release
By the end of pregnancy, you're probably ready to be done. You're huge, your belly is pendulous, you can barely sleep, and you have to pee every ten - no wait, every seven - minutes. Most women hope to deliver early, and these hopes soar in the last weeks.
Your due date arrives! And...it passes. No changes in your body, your dilation, but your mood plummets.
Going overdue often makes pregnant women depressed. You are ready to be finished, prepared for labor, perhaps have family arriving to help with the transition, yet you are still pregnant. You might feel like a failure - after all, you aren't doing your job. No baby to show for your forty weeks of effort. If it goes on, you might feel that you will never go into labor.
If this is where you are, take heart. Forty weeks is an estimate, and your actual due date is an estimate too. Your baby will be born soon. Relax, do something fun, like go see a movie. Try to forget that you're pregnant (it doesn't help to dwell on it - thinking about labor will not cause it to occur any sooner - sometimes trying to forget that you're past your due date is good therapy). Your life will change dramatically very soon.
Avoid induction for arbitrary reasons. If you are more than a week overdue, you will need to be monitored by your OB to make sure that the placenta is functioning and the baby is doing fine. As long as everything is going well, do not be induced. There are complications associated with induction, especially in first-time moms, and you and your baby will be better off if you allow labor to start on its own. Your body will be better able to respond to labor, and you will know that your baby is full-term and ready to be born.
If you have family arriving and feel pressured to have a baby while they're in town, please readjust your priorities. Your baby has one chance to be born, and it should be as free from risk and complications as possible.
One word on how labor begins: The baby's lungs are the last organs to complete their development. Once they are mature, they release a protein, and that protein causes the release of other hormones that initiate labor. If you haven't gone into labor yet, it is because your baby's lungs are not yet entirely ready. Hang in there. You will go into labor.
If you are concerned about the baby gaining weight, there is usually not cause to worry. Ultrasound weight estimates can be inaccurate by 2 lbs either way, on average. Most methods of estimating fetal weight tend to overdiagnose macrosomia (large babies). Do listen to your doctor, but keep in mind that it is ultimately your decision whether to be induced or not.
If you are overdue and there is no evidence of complications:
Do not be induced. Labor will begin on its own when both you and your baby are physically ready.
Do not dwell on your pregnancy. Do something fun. Try to forget you are pregnant.
It is OK to take yourself off the radar for a while. Do not answer the phone or accept visitors, if you are feeling antisocial. You might want to record a message on your answering machine to say that you are still pregnant and doing fine. Take care of your emotional needs.
Use the time to finish up any projects or arrangements you haven't yet completed. Make sure the baby's space is ready. Pack your birth bag. Do some cleaning (getting on your hands and knees to scrub a floor is especially helpful to get the baby in the right position for birth!). Or get some much-needed rest.
You WILL go into labor. This is a tough time for you, but no one is pregnant forever. And you won't be the first, I promise!
Updated to include this press release, dated 21 February 2008:
Lamaze International recommends that a woman allow her body to go into labor on its own, unless there is a true medical reason to induce. Allowing labor to start on its own reduces the possibility of complications, including a vacuum or forceps-assisted birth, fetal heart rate changes, babies with low birth weight or jaundice, and cesarean surgery. Studies consistently show that inducing labor almost doubles a woman's chance of having cesarean surgery.
— Lamaze International Press Release
August 3, 2008
August 2, 2008
39 weeks 5 Days
July 25, 2008
37 Week and 5 Days
You do the math, yep they changed my due date to August 10th. It seems that I will be pregnant for one more week. The good thing is I won't be induced early! Bad news is we will have to wait one more week until we meet out baby. Everything was good at the doctors office, now we just wait.
July 17, 2008
37 Weeks and 3 Days Appointment
I had my 37 week appointment today. It was uneventful, there is still a baby in there. Although she did say his heart rate is starting to slow, which is sign he is getting ready for his birthday!! Let's hope it will be sooner than later.
July 16, 2008
Full Term
July 15, 2008
36 Week Appointment & Full Term
Well I had by 36 Week appointment last Friday. The appointment was uneventful. I didn't gain any weight again woohoo!! But the little boy is growing on schedule. Even though my appointment was uneventful, I still had to spend 3 hours at the hospital because our car broke down. It was a dead battery, I am just glad we got it fixed before the baby got here.
So as of today I am officially full term!! I am very excited, baby Noah can come whenever he is ready.
Take our quiz, and get in on the baby Noah pool.
So as of today I am officially full term!! I am very excited, baby Noah can come whenever he is ready.
Take our quiz, and get in on the baby Noah pool.
July 9, 2008
Nusery Done!
Well I finally finished the last details in the nursery. While doing it I decided to completly flip flop the room. Here are the final pics.
Crib and wall letters.

Changing table and Sailbot shelf

A wall quilt that I recieved at my shower, I love it!

Wall letters

Upclose of Sailboat Bedding from BRU

My husband's art project for the baby, this was for our birthing class

Closeup of the wall shelf

Pictures from our wedding in the room

Close up of the paint before the chair rail
Crib and wall letters.

Changing table and Sailbot shelf

A wall quilt that I recieved at my shower, I love it!

Wall letters

Upclose of Sailboat Bedding from BRU

My husband's art project for the baby, this was for our birthing class

Closeup of the wall shelf

Pictures from our wedding in the room

Close up of the paint before the chair rail

35 Week Appointment
My 35 week appointment was pretty uneventful. Baby boy is getting bigger and so am I! I am now down to weekly appointments. My next appointment is on July 11th. I am in the home stretch!
July 3, 2008
35 Weeks!
June 20, 2008
Family Reunion
Baby Shower
June 5, 2008
31 Week Appointment
I had my 31 week appointment today. I PASSED MY GD test!! Whoohoo! The baby is approximately 18 inches long, almost 4 lbs and is already head down. He is getting ready for his entrance into the world. I also didn't gain a pound this appointment as well (which makes up for the 8-10 I gained in my last appointment)! Below is my belly pic.

May 19, 2008
BH Contractions
I went to the doctor today with BH Contractions. I was having them 10-20 minutes apart for a few hours. They hooked me up to the monitor and everything seemed fine, of course I didn't really even have one contraction once I got to the office. They did a test and it seems I have a little bacterial infection but nothing to worry about! I have some medicine now and all should be better in a few days!
May 17, 2008
GD Test and Rhogam Shot
28 Weeks!! I really can't believe it. This is a huge milestone. If the baby were to be born he would have a good chance of making it.
I went in on Thursday for my GD diabetes test. I had to drink the orange drink 1 hour prior to the test. I have to say it wasn't that bad. Adam even took a drink and said "yum!" I won't know the results until next week, luckily they only had to stick me twice to get blood, which is a record for me.
I went back on Friday to get my Rhogam shot, it didn't hurt and now I am just waiting for my GD test results. My next Dr appointment is the last week of May.
I went in on Thursday for my GD diabetes test. I had to drink the orange drink 1 hour prior to the test. I have to say it wasn't that bad. Adam even took a drink and said "yum!" I won't know the results until next week, luckily they only had to stick me twice to get blood, which is a record for me.
I went back on Friday to get my Rhogam shot, it didn't hurt and now I am just waiting for my GD test results. My next Dr appointment is the last week of May.
May 12, 2008
Belly Pictures
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