Noah Riley is finally here, I was 41 weeks and so ready to meet my precious son. After about 27 hours of natural labor using the Bradley method he was born at 7:07 Wednesday 8/13/07.
This is my birth story:
I had been having contractions every night for several days before. They were always 10 minutes apart and would start around 8:00 every night. I would always go to bed thinking this was it, and I would wake up the next morning with them gone.
On Tuesday 8/12 I woke up to attend acupuncture at 9:00am. Since I was overdue, I was hoping this would get labor started. The therapist said to expect contractions within 4-5 hours, if no contractions I would be back the next day. Well one appointment is all I needed. At 1: 00pm I was sitting on my computer and I felt a warm gush go into the kitchen table chair. It was almost like I peed my pants, there was enough water to soak through the chair cushion. I was so excited, this was it, my water had broken. Or at least I thought it had broken. I called My husband with the great news, he was on his way home. I was still feeling great, so I decided to make my last meal of mac and cheese.

By the time my husband got home it was 2:00 and I started having mild contractions. They didn't get any stronger and were not in a very good pattern. I called my birthing instructor because I was worried that things were not getting started. She encouraged me to walk and to do heavy double nipple stimulation. Conveniently it was 100 degrees outside that day, so we decided to walk the mall to get things started. We stayed at the all until 6:00, I was starting to get uncomfortable so we decided to head home. I was excited to get home and watch gymnastics to pass the time. At 10:30 pm I was sitting on the couch still having mild contractions when I felt a pop, like popcorn was popping in my belly. I stood up and it literally felt like a gallon of water gushed out of me. I yelled for my husband he came down and was like oh my goodness. This made me laugh, which made more water come out, then I had a contraction and it was still coming out. When they say you will know if you water breaks, it is so true. It seems that I had only sprung a leak earlier in the day. From this point the contractions started again, this time staying around 10 minutes apart. We cleaned up the mess, and I told my husband to try and get some sleep so he can make it through this. Our goal was to labor at home as long as possible then we would go to the hospital. My husband went to bed and I stayed up having mild contractions that were around 10 minutes apart. I continued to do double nipple stimulation to keep things going. This made the contractions much harder, by 2:00am they were much stronger and around 5 minutes apart. I decided to go and wake up my husband. The contractions stayed around 5 minutes apart until around 6:30am. I was having severe back labor, the only position I liked at this point was to be on my hand and knees.
My favorite position:

My husband would massage my back with a heating pad, this was a life saver. I was completely normal in between contractions, but would focus very hard during a contraction. At 6:30 am we had a choice to make, we could head for hospital during morning traffic or wait it out until 9:00am. We decided to wait it out. At 9:00am we left for the hospital, at this point I was in active labor. I had around 4 contractions in the car, these were absolute hell because of my back labor. When we got the hospital I was an emotional wreck, I was afraid. I can't explain it, but getting to the hospital is so emotional, I knew that this was it and I didn't want to be sent home for little progress. When we got there they had a room all ready, thank goodness. I got checked right away and I was already 6cm dilated! We were there to stay. Since I was having a natural labor, I didn't get an IV and only had intermittent fetal monitoring. I spent all of my time in the spa tub or on my hands and knees. Around 1:00 I hit transition.

I chose not to get checked until this point, but I just knew something was different. The midwife checked me and I was 10cm! It was time to push. Pushing was very hard and not sometihing that you know how to do until you do it. I had about an hour of learning. At this point the midwife checked me again. I had redeveloped a lip on my cervix and couldn't push anymore. I had to wait to re-dialate to a 10. I had to resist pushing during contractions for 2 more hours to see what would happen. If I didn't wait then I would swell and need an EPI or C-Section, which I didn't want. This was so hard, but I knew I had to do it. My husband and midwife were amazing. Which each contraction the midwife would move my cervix over his head. At 3:00 finally I could push again. It felt so good to push, I was so ready to meet my son. I pushed for 3 hours, and again it was hard to understand. They decided to get me a mirror so I could see how to push. This was a life savor, literally. I would not have been able to get him out without feeling and seeing his head everytime I pushed. Finally his head popped out, this is when things got a little scary. Evidently I was having back labor because he was sunny side up, but right at the last minute he decided to switch and his shoulders became stuck. This only lasted around 30 seconds, but I owe my life and my son's life to the nursing staff and my midwife. The nurse got on top of me and she pushed his body from the outside and the midwife pulled his head at the same time I pushed. The cord was also wrapped around his neck. Wihtin seconds they were able to get him out. They were so amazing that I didn't even having one tear! Noah Riley was born on 8/13 at 7:07pm. He immediately went on my chest and breast fed. I was so emotional and happy. The pain of labor was immediately gone.

Natural childbirth was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but it was the best thing I have ever done. I found places within my soul that I never knew I had in me. This experience has made me grow as a person, and has made my marriage so solid. Even though it was really hard I would do it all over again in heartbeat. Noah is so alert and healthy. There isn't one thing wrong with him, and I know that I have given him the best gift to start his life on the right foot.
For all of you that want to do natural childbirth, I can't even explain the joy and sense of accomplishment it birngs to your life. Good luck, and know that if I can do it for 27 hours, you can do it to!
Noah Riley:
First Diaper Change:
Mom and baby:
My recovery is going very well. I didn't have any tears, but I am still a little sore. Bleeding is much like a heavy period, and my belly is only 1/4 the size it was. Breastfeeding is going very well. For anyone wanting try breastfeeding, I would see the lactation specialist, even if it is going well. They are so encouraging, and give you so much information.
Good luck to all, and I hope you enjoyed my story!
What an amazing strong woman you are! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I hope I am as strong as you are when my time comes (hopefully soon as I am 5 days past my due date!!)
(MrsJeffsWife2B on the nest)
Your story was inspirational! I am really going for a natural labor!!
Congrats on your little one.. he is amazing!!
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