I can't believe he is already one week old today. We had our first pedi appointment yesterday. He is very healthy and is now up to 8lbs 13oz. The pedi was very suprised that he has gained so much weight. He also lost his umbilicle cord yesterday. It was a bitter sweet moment for me, that was the last thing he had that was attached to me. It makes me feel like he is growing up so fast already.
Sleeping has been pretty good, he is on a 2 hour schedule. Last night he was a little more fussy than normal and wanted to eat every 20 minutes. Evidently this is a normal growth spurt they experience around 1 week of age.
My recovery is going pretty well. I am still very sore and have been having some sevre cramping. Adam tried to stay the night at the fire department the other night and I just couldn't do it all by myself so he decided to come home. I am feeling much better today, but I tend to do too much rather than rest.
Noah had his first photo shoot yesterday, the pictures are so precious. I will post a link to them when they are available.
Cherish the moments you have with your little one, time goes by so fast. I am so blessed to have such a precious baby, I love him so much.
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