
May 28, 2009

San Diego - 2 year Anniversary

We had such a great trip to San Diego. We were so busy with Grandma and Grandpa. We went to the Zoo, beach, LaJolla Cove, Seal Beach, Point Loma, Aquarium, and celebrated our two year Anniversary with a sunset dinner. It was a really awesome trip. Noah loved loved the beach. Although going to the beach was not as relaxing as I once remembered it. Adam and I were constantly trying to keep Noah from eating sand, wood pieces, and whatever else he could find on the beach. The sea gulls loved us, we always left them a treat. We also had an interesting trip to the pool, I don't really want to get into the details about the old man yelling at us, but just so I can remember it one day I must say this CAN YOU READ ENGLISH, THE RULES ARE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH!

Here are the pictures of our awesome trip!


May 20, 2009

9 Month check up

Noah did so well! I can't believe that he is already 9 months, it just seems crazy to me.
Weight: 21 lbs (50th%tile)
Height: 31 in (90th%tile)

He is ahead of all of his milestones.
Crawling really fast
Pulling up on furniture
babbling mamama and dadada
putting toys in things
hates being diapered and clothed
will not stay still for 5 seconds
climbs the stairs

We are pretty sure that his first word is kitty or kikiki, he says it every time the cats are around.

We are leaving for San Diego tomorrow! I am so excited to let him see the beach because he loves his water video.

May 17, 2009

Balloon Launch!

We had such an amazing day! We started the day with the balloon launch at the gold course! Noah LOVED it.

Then we spent the day at Peter and Rachelle's doing yard work and work benches. It was a great time! Noah loves to eat dirt! I couldn't keep him out of it and he is so fast!

May 13, 2009

The last 9 months....

Wow, I can't believe this is how long I was pregnant. The last 9 months have flown by, it is just amazing. Let me see if I can recap:

1-3 Months

Noah started smiling at 2 months. This is when I realized how much I love being a mother. Having your child smile back at you is an experience that cannot be explained.

We went to Texas to see my family in October. We had such a great time. This was Noah's first plane ride and he did amazing. Many people commented that they didn't know that there was a baby on the plane! During our trip Noah rolled over for the first time! It was amazing!

Shortly after our trip to Texas Noah started holding up his head during tummy time. This was when he really mastered rolling both directions. This became his way of getting around for a several months.

4 Months

Noah has now discovered his hands and his feet. Everything is in his mouth. I also got a new camera that I LOVE! We have also introduced the exersaucer into the family. This is the best invention so far, he loves to stand and play.

Noah has also started discovering his voices. He gets so excited and really loves to talk!

5 Months

Noah's first Christmas was so amazing. Everyone was so generous, and he was a great trooper. I think he was a little spoiled, but it was expected for his first Christmas.

6 Months

Noah has started sitting up on his own. This is a milestone that has pros and cons. I love it because he can entertain himself for a good 30 minutes, I hate it because he now sits up in his crib and cries when he should be sleeping. We are still breastfeeding, so I get up with him as much as I he needs, but we are starting to cry it out. Mommy needs more sleep, but it was a really hard transition. To celebrate 6 months we took a trip to the park with our new stroller, the Bob! I love my new stroller, it is a great addition to the family.

My little boy is so big! We have now moved to a big boy car seat! He is so much happier in this seat, and sleeps like a baby in it.

More to come.....

I am the worst blogger ever!

I can't believe that I let this happen, I haven't blogged since October :(. My husband and I were just trying to remember the last 9 months, and they seem like such a blur, so now I wish I would have kept up with it. So today I am changing that and I am going to try to blot at least once a week. I want my little boy's life to be documented so I can remember what happened, specifically for the next baby. So this is my commitment, I hope I can keep it up.