
May 20, 2009

9 Month check up

Noah did so well! I can't believe that he is already 9 months, it just seems crazy to me.
Weight: 21 lbs (50th%tile)
Height: 31 in (90th%tile)

He is ahead of all of his milestones.
Crawling really fast
Pulling up on furniture
babbling mamama and dadada
putting toys in things
hates being diapered and clothed
will not stay still for 5 seconds
climbs the stairs

We are pretty sure that his first word is kitty or kikiki, he says it every time the cats are around.

We are leaving for San Diego tomorrow! I am so excited to let him see the beach because he loves his water video.

1 comment:

Lori said...

They sure do grow up fast!!!!