1-3 Months
Noah started smiling at 2 months. This is when I realized how much I love being a mother. Having your child smile back at you is an experience that cannot be explained.

We went to Texas to see my family in October. We had such a great time. This was Noah's first plane ride and he did amazing. Many people commented that they didn't know that there was a baby on the plane! During our trip Noah rolled over for the first time! It was amazing!

Shortly after our trip to Texas Noah started holding up his head during tummy time. This was when he really mastered rolling both directions. This became his way of getting around for a several months.

4 Months
Noah has now discovered his hands and his feet. Everything is in his mouth. I also got a new camera that I LOVE! We have also introduced the exersaucer into the family. This is the best invention so far, he loves to stand and play.

Noah has also started discovering his voices. He gets so excited and really loves to talk!

5 Months
Noah's first Christmas was so amazing. Everyone was so generous, and he was a great trooper. I think he was a little spoiled, but it was expected for his first Christmas.

6 Months
Noah has started sitting up on his own. This is a milestone that has pros and cons. I love it because he can entertain himself for a good 30 minutes, I hate it because he now sits up in his crib and cries when he should be sleeping. We are still breastfeeding, so I get up with him as much as I he needs, but we are starting to cry it out. Mommy needs more sleep, but it was a really hard transition. To celebrate 6 months we took a trip to the park with our new stroller, the Bob! I love my new stroller, it is a great addition to the family.

My little boy is so big! We have now moved to a big boy car seat! He is so much happier in this seat, and sleeps like a baby in it.
More to come.....
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