December 30, 2011
Still hanging in there.....
We are still to hanging in there, but Austin still feels really bad. This will officially be the 3rd holiday in a row that he is sick, which is rather stressful/inconvenient because all of the normal doctor's offices are closed, pharmacies are impossible, and it means more possible trips to the ER, visiting docs that do not understand his condition. Luckily his horrible diaper rash has cleared, but the poor guy just isn't eating. As a result, I can see some of the bones in his chest and ribs. His poor little eyes just look sunken in and grey around the edges. When he does eat, it comes up shortly after. He is taking fluids, no bottles, but I am not sure if it is enough to compete with the amount of liquid that keeps coming out of his bum. Adam made a trip to Moab yesterday, his return can't come soon enough because I am getting very nervous about Austin's condition, I feel a seizure is just around the corner. The poor little guy has spent more time sick lately than well. I will continue get puked on, wipe up diarrhea, and bugging his doctors because he deserves to feel better.
December 29, 2011
Just when you think we are making progress.....
Just when we think we are making progress Austin must have picked up Rotavirus somewhere, maybe the hospital. He has had diarrhea since Monday. Days and days of diarrhea have made his poor little bum so raw that he is having mild BHSs again and I can't get him to eat much. On the bright side his ears seems to be doing great! I just wish I could get him to eat and grow some more. This kid is going to age me.
December 26, 2011
Austin had his tube surgery on Friday morning. The morning started pretty early, we had to be at the hospital by 7 for check in. He wasn't able to have any solids or milk after midnight and no clear liquids after 6am. We got some apple juice in him until we left for the hospital. The procedure was performed at the Children's hospital Denver, south campus. My parents drove me over, while Noah and Daddy went to a movie. I felt pretty good, and so did Austin for the first hour of the morning. Around 8am he started getting pretty cranky, asking for a bottle and pulling at his ears. In the days leading up to the surgery we suspected that he was getting another ear infection because he was really cranky unless on ear drops and Motrin. While he was playing in the hospital crib he jumped and hit is chin on the side of the crib. This triggered a pretty bad BHS.
This is him in his little surgery outfit.
We had what seemed like 10 people come in the room asking all kinds of questions about his condition. They wanted to know what his seizure history has been, what kind of BHSs he has on a regular basis, they weighed him, measured him, etc. He wasn't very thrilled and I was ready to get the show started. Once we were all ready the Dr came to check in with us. Since his normal Dr was not available today, we used the on call Dr that day which was Dr Friedman. I hadn't met him, but he seemed nice enough. He wasn't convinced that this surgery would help his condition, but could see the urgent need for it. The nurse said that he had lots of fluid in his ears, so they would clean that out during surgery. At 8:50 I was dressed in my not so cute outfit and I carried him to the OR. They decided not to take out his adenoids, so he was just on general anesthesia. They asked me to lay him down on the table. When I put him down he was very angry and started to have a BHS. At 8:59 they put the mask on his face, which caused him to go into a full BHS. It was hard to see him struggling, when he finally took a breath in the anesthesia made his body convulse which I was sure was the start of a seizure. They reassured me that this was normal and escorted me out of the room. I went to change out of my outfit. By the time I got back to the lobby I had time to call Adam, cry a little and then it was 9:08, and the DR was looking for me, to tell me that he was done! The surgery went well although he was already on his way to another infection. The picture above are of the tubes they put in each ear. I was able to walk back to see him immediately, he was already awake drinking some water. When he saw me he was very angry. The nurse decided it was time for some Tylenol. Once that kicked in, he was his happy little self. We were on our way home by 10:00am, and that was it. He had been a completely different baby ever since. There are so many daily decisions we make as parents, I can say the decisions to give him surgery is the best one we have ever made. He is now happy, he will play by himself, and acts like a normal happy child. We received the best gift for Christmas, our happy baby boy. I love seeing him grow, and explore his world on his own. Now that we can actually put him down he loves to play, and he is so animated. He has such a cute personality. We have been BHS free since Friday, and you can tell that this is a new beginning for us as a family. We are so much more relaxed and happy. Lets hope we keep this good track record, and our little boy will flourish in his new environment. All I want for him is health and happiness, I just love him so much.
This is him in his little surgery outfit.
We had what seemed like 10 people come in the room asking all kinds of questions about his condition. They wanted to know what his seizure history has been, what kind of BHSs he has on a regular basis, they weighed him, measured him, etc. He wasn't very thrilled and I was ready to get the show started. Once we were all ready the Dr came to check in with us. Since his normal Dr was not available today, we used the on call Dr that day which was Dr Friedman. I hadn't met him, but he seemed nice enough. He wasn't convinced that this surgery would help his condition, but could see the urgent need for it. The nurse said that he had lots of fluid in his ears, so they would clean that out during surgery. At 8:50 I was dressed in my not so cute outfit and I carried him to the OR. They decided not to take out his adenoids, so he was just on general anesthesia. They asked me to lay him down on the table. When I put him down he was very angry and started to have a BHS. At 8:59 they put the mask on his face, which caused him to go into a full BHS. It was hard to see him struggling, when he finally took a breath in the anesthesia made his body convulse which I was sure was the start of a seizure. They reassured me that this was normal and escorted me out of the room. I went to change out of my outfit. By the time I got back to the lobby I had time to call Adam, cry a little and then it was 9:08, and the DR was looking for me, to tell me that he was done! The surgery went well although he was already on his way to another infection. The picture above are of the tubes they put in each ear. I was able to walk back to see him immediately, he was already awake drinking some water. When he saw me he was very angry. The nurse decided it was time for some Tylenol. Once that kicked in, he was his happy little self. We were on our way home by 10:00am, and that was it. He had been a completely different baby ever since. There are so many daily decisions we make as parents, I can say the decisions to give him surgery is the best one we have ever made. He is now happy, he will play by himself, and acts like a normal happy child. We received the best gift for Christmas, our happy baby boy. I love seeing him grow, and explore his world on his own. Now that we can actually put him down he loves to play, and he is so animated. He has such a cute personality. We have been BHS free since Friday, and you can tell that this is a new beginning for us as a family. We are so much more relaxed and happy. Lets hope we keep this good track record, and our little boy will flourish in his new environment. All I want for him is health and happiness, I just love him so much.
December 22, 2011
Snow Day!
We got around 12 inches of snow today. It is going to be a white Christmas. We took Noah out sledding today, it was really fun. We also spent most of the day making treats for our friends and neighbors. My goal is to teach Noah that Christmas is about giving, not just getting gifts. He loved it.
Thank the heavens that surgery is tomorrow. We think Austin is getting another ear infection. He had a pretty bad BHS today, but felt much better after ear drops. I am a little nervous and excited for him, I hope this will help him feel better. I love the little boy he has become when he is well, he is so sweet.
A few days ago we made our first gingerbread house, it was a train! Really fun!
Thank the heavens that surgery is tomorrow. We think Austin is getting another ear infection. He had a pretty bad BHS today, but felt much better after ear drops. I am a little nervous and excited for him, I hope this will help him feel better. I love the little boy he has become when he is well, he is so sweet.
December 19, 2011
Surgery this Friday!
We are getting the best Christmas present! Austin is having surgery this Friday! It might make for an interesting Christmas but at least he will be on the men's instead of having another ear infection. All I wanted for Christmas was for him to be healthy, I hope this is our answer and miracles can happen!
December 18, 2011
Do his ears still hurt?
On Friday Austin had an awesome morning. He played by himself most of the morning which is a miracle. He took a great mid day nap, but then he woke from his nap very cranky. I tried Motrin and that seemed to help. The kids got home from school around 4. Abby and Austin were playing happily when Abby grabbed Austin's legs, a game he loves to play. His chin seemed to hit the floor, which put him into a full bad breath holding spell. He finally woke up still screaming. He was pulling at his ears so we decided to try ear drops even though he has been on meds for 7 days. Within 5 minutes he was happily playing again. I don't know what was bothering him if there isn't fluid or an infection, but at least the drops work. We still haven't gotten a call from the scheduler so I don't know when we will have the tubes surgery. I did cheat and leave 2 messages for her on Friday. If I don't hear from her on Monday I am tempted to go to the hospital and just start screaming "someone please fix my child!" tomorrow is our last day of meds, we will become a ticking time bomb at that point because it's not a question of if but of when. I just hope it's not on Christmas. Until Friday we had been BHS free for 5 days. Now the count is back down to 2.
December 15, 2011
We are getting tubes!
We don't know when, or if they will help but we convinced the ENT to give them a try. Austin had a hearing test, a fluid test, and an overall exam. Everything looks normal, and the antibiotics are doing their job. The ENT is not convicted that this will fix our overall issues, but agrees it is worth a try. If they get in and see that his adenoids are swollen, they will also remove them at the same time. They also ordered a sleep study for him in the near future, to see if he has any spells in his sleep. The bad news is we don't know how soon we can get in for the procedure. It is minimally invasive, however, considering Austin's history, they would like to perform the surgery at the main campus, just in case he has any issues. The Dr we saw doesn't have a normal opening until February, which is not acceptable. At least he agreed that we should get in sooner. He did say that we could try to get in on his "on call" day on January 12th. He also mentioned that someone else my have an opening sooner, so now we wait for his assistant to call us in the next few days with an opening. He said that he was going to recommend that this was emergent, so we hope it will help. At this rate I would spend our Christmas in the hospital if it meant we avoid Austin feeling bad again. Good news is we still have antibiotics until next Monday, so at least I know we will have a happy boy until then. The plan is to schedule the surgery as soon as possible and continue to treat him with ear drops until then. I just hope he is happy and healthy through Christmas. I know that tubes will not be the answers to all of our issues, I just hope to give my poor little guy a break. I am sure there will be more BHS and more Seizures, I just hope we can make life a little easier for him.
His blood results were also returned today - Iron, Feritin, Hemoglobin are all normal.
Here is a video of his hearing test. It was pretty cool. They would give a certain low pitched sound from a box in the room. If he looked at it, a monkey or puppy would light up in the box as a reward. This was one test that he actually enjoyed!
And here is a picture of our happy boy on meds, it is so nice to see him on a constant basis lately. He has such a funny personality! He is also eating like crazy. He loves to eat food, feed himself and he has almost doubled his intake of formula per day! Lets hope we can put some pounds on him while he feels good.
His blood results were also returned today - Iron, Feritin, Hemoglobin are all normal.
Here is a video of his hearing test. It was pretty cool. They would give a certain low pitched sound from a box in the room. If he looked at it, a monkey or puppy would light up in the box as a reward. This was one test that he actually enjoyed!
And here is a picture of our happy boy on meds, it is so nice to see him on a constant basis lately. He has such a funny personality! He is also eating like crazy. He loves to eat food, feed himself and he has almost doubled his intake of formula per day! Lets hope we can put some pounds on him while he feels good.
December 14, 2011
Road Trip! Pagosa Springs
After our episode on Friday we decided to head out to Pagosa Springs for some R&R on Saturday morning. We did great getting out of the house around 8. Before we left the house there was an amazing lunar eclpise.
The drive was going to take around 6 hours. We started a little slow, but didn't need to make our first stop until 2.5 hours into the trip. The boys did great. Austin did have one mild BHS in the car while driving, but he was really tired for a nap. We survived the last leg of the trip, but poor Austin wasn't feeling so good. We think his ears were still hurting him while on Wolf Creek Pass. Overall it was a successful trip. We all got situated after the long drive, and all the boys played.
They all loved each other so much. It was so cute to see Noah with Hudson, he could get him to giggle by jumping on the bed. So cute. We spent the days lounging around and taking turns with the kiddos. The guys went on a cross country skiing adventure, then the girls did some shopping. The shopping wasn't outstanding on a Sunday so we decided to have margs at 2:00 in the afternoon. 2 hours later, we decided it was time to return back home, it was a great girls afternoon.
Everyone in the condo was up before the sun rose, thanks to the littles. It did make for some great views, and a relaxing morning coffee.
One night we had the chance to get massages and visit the springs. They were truly amazing.
During a few outings we were able to take Noah sledding, to burn off some energy. He had a great time rolling around in the snow, and getting our complete attention.
Great scenery, great food, and great family! We can't wait to go back next year!
Austin's mood and condition greatly improved after being on meds for 48 hours. There were several times that he hurt himself or was over tired. Each time all the adults stood very still waiting for a spell and all he would do is have a very mild BHS, or just cry like a normal baby.
We have our ENT appointment tomorrow. I hope that they see his troubles are starting with his ears, if they can't provide a solution I will see every ENT possible until they do.
5 days BHS free!!
The drive was going to take around 6 hours. We started a little slow, but didn't need to make our first stop until 2.5 hours into the trip. The boys did great. Austin did have one mild BHS in the car while driving, but he was really tired for a nap. We survived the last leg of the trip, but poor Austin wasn't feeling so good. We think his ears were still hurting him while on Wolf Creek Pass. Overall it was a successful trip. We all got situated after the long drive, and all the boys played.
They all loved each other so much. It was so cute to see Noah with Hudson, he could get him to giggle by jumping on the bed. So cute. We spent the days lounging around and taking turns with the kiddos. The guys went on a cross country skiing adventure, then the girls did some shopping. The shopping wasn't outstanding on a Sunday so we decided to have margs at 2:00 in the afternoon. 2 hours later, we decided it was time to return back home, it was a great girls afternoon.
Everyone in the condo was up before the sun rose, thanks to the littles. It did make for some great views, and a relaxing morning coffee.
One night we had the chance to get massages and visit the springs. They were truly amazing.
During a few outings we were able to take Noah sledding, to burn off some energy. He had a great time rolling around in the snow, and getting our complete attention.
Great scenery, great food, and great family! We can't wait to go back next year!
Austin's mood and condition greatly improved after being on meds for 48 hours. There were several times that he hurt himself or was over tired. Each time all the adults stood very still waiting for a spell and all he would do is have a very mild BHS, or just cry like a normal baby.
We have our ENT appointment tomorrow. I hope that they see his troubles are starting with his ears, if they can't provide a solution I will see every ENT possible until they do.
5 days BHS free!!
December 9, 2011
A mother's insticts are always right
I knew it, my previous post from this morning was correct. I knew something in my gut was warning me that he was getting worse. As I feared, Austin had his 3rd seizure today.
5:15am - We hear Austin stirring for the day, this is his usual wake up time. Adam and I debate who's day it was to get up with him. Adam finally got up with him because I was still so sleepy from not sleeping well the night before. Unfortunately my mind was going 100 miles per hour, so I wasn't able to go back to sleep. I joined him and Austin downstairs for some coffee. His mood seemed to be a little off and clingy, he needed all of daddy's attention.
7:00am - Austin had a bad breath holding spell. He was climbing up the stairs in the kitchen and we heard a small thump. I am not sure if it was him, or the ball he was playing with. We laid him down on his side, to continue to episode. This was a really bad one, I was really nervous. He had a typical BHS and became very sleepy. I decided to put him down for a nap to hopefully help his mood. The kids came over, but Austin was still asleep. I had the next door neighbor take the older kids to school.
8:45am - Austin wakes from his nap, in a pretty good mood but very testy. I decided to keep this kids upstairs to try and pack for the trip, still not sure if we were still going. At this point Austin had had only 4-6ounces of formula and he really didn't want to eat.
9:15am - We were in Noah's room, the boys are happily playing and Austin starts to have another breath holding spell. I am not sure what set this one off either, so I lay him down on his side to assume the normal position.
9:18am - Seizure. I pick him up after the BHS to comfort him and notice that he is starting to seize. I take him downstairs because that is where we keep the Diastat. Instructions say to wait 3 minutes before giving the Diastat. I think this is how long I waited, but the next few minutes are a little confusing.
9:20am - At this point I am trying to juggle a seizing baby, recording his siezure, calling my husband, getting ready to give the Diastat, call 911, and get my toddler out of the room and dressed.
9:21am - I call Adam while giving the Diastat, I was trying to keep my cool but at this point I was starting to get a little frazzled.
9:21am - Call 911. I quickly figure out that while I am on the phone with 911 I should still be videoing his episode for the Dr. So I go to find my camera, luckily it was out for the trip.
While all of this is going on I am trying to convince Noah to go and get dressed. Noah likes to run around in his underwear, but I couldn't have him running out to see the firetruck naked! So I am still trying to calm Austin, record the event, talk to 911, and get Noah dressed.
9:25am - I call Adam again, the seizure had started to subside. I also call my mom to come help with Noah (who still needs to get dressed!)
9:27am - The paramedics arrive and my next door neighbor. Mandy (the neighbor) takes Noah out of the room. At this point he was still ticking but the seizure was over. They took his stats, all normal but he was completely out of it. They took his sugar which was pretty low (60).
10:00am - We decide to take him to the South campus Children's hospital. This isn't normal protocol but they decided it was worth it. I told them that if they didn't take him there, I would drive him there myself. I get my stuff gather, and we take off non emergent.
They let me ride in the back with him, strapped down to the gurney I am holding him. The drive is around 30minutes. We get into a room right away. The poor little guy was pooped, so he fell asleep on me for a while. We repeat our story to several different people, before seeing the Dr. The Dr then gets the story and watches the many videos I had taken of his episodes.
My guess was an ear infection, considering his mood and everything that had been going on this week, but no fever.
She checks his right ear, but it has too much ear wax in the way, she needs to clean it. This really pissed him off, poor baby. Then my suspicions were right, he has a very bad ear infection in the right ear. She didn't even bother to check the other ear. They decide to change his meds to a stronger antibiotic, refill our Diastat and give us more numbing ear drops (a life saver drug).
We leave to get something to eat, after a good nap at the ER, Austin is his happy sweet loving self. He is dancing, eating, singing, and ready to go!
So here I am, feeling better than I listened to my gut. I knew something was off and I knew it was his ears. I knew this since Monday. It just needed to get bad enough for someone to listen to me. Sometimes I feel like I am the one with the medical degree, I just need a prescription pad. Lesson learned.
Hopefully we will have a very happy boy for the next 10 days and we can get some real answers from ENT next week!
This is a happy baby.
We have decided that it is now safe to leave for Pagosa tomorrow. I have all the nearest hospitals on the route mapped, now we just need to relax and have a little fun. The case of wine I just bought will ensure that ;)
What a crazy day!
5:15am - We hear Austin stirring for the day, this is his usual wake up time. Adam and I debate who's day it was to get up with him. Adam finally got up with him because I was still so sleepy from not sleeping well the night before. Unfortunately my mind was going 100 miles per hour, so I wasn't able to go back to sleep. I joined him and Austin downstairs for some coffee. His mood seemed to be a little off and clingy, he needed all of daddy's attention.
7:00am - Austin had a bad breath holding spell. He was climbing up the stairs in the kitchen and we heard a small thump. I am not sure if it was him, or the ball he was playing with. We laid him down on his side, to continue to episode. This was a really bad one, I was really nervous. He had a typical BHS and became very sleepy. I decided to put him down for a nap to hopefully help his mood. The kids came over, but Austin was still asleep. I had the next door neighbor take the older kids to school.
8:45am - Austin wakes from his nap, in a pretty good mood but very testy. I decided to keep this kids upstairs to try and pack for the trip, still not sure if we were still going. At this point Austin had had only 4-6ounces of formula and he really didn't want to eat.
9:15am - We were in Noah's room, the boys are happily playing and Austin starts to have another breath holding spell. I am not sure what set this one off either, so I lay him down on his side to assume the normal position.
9:18am - Seizure. I pick him up after the BHS to comfort him and notice that he is starting to seize. I take him downstairs because that is where we keep the Diastat. Instructions say to wait 3 minutes before giving the Diastat. I think this is how long I waited, but the next few minutes are a little confusing.
9:20am - At this point I am trying to juggle a seizing baby, recording his siezure, calling my husband, getting ready to give the Diastat, call 911, and get my toddler out of the room and dressed.
9:21am - I call Adam while giving the Diastat, I was trying to keep my cool but at this point I was starting to get a little frazzled.
9:21am - Call 911. I quickly figure out that while I am on the phone with 911 I should still be videoing his episode for the Dr. So I go to find my camera, luckily it was out for the trip.
While all of this is going on I am trying to convince Noah to go and get dressed. Noah likes to run around in his underwear, but I couldn't have him running out to see the firetruck naked! So I am still trying to calm Austin, record the event, talk to 911, and get Noah dressed.
9:25am - I call Adam again, the seizure had started to subside. I also call my mom to come help with Noah (who still needs to get dressed!)
9:27am - The paramedics arrive and my next door neighbor. Mandy (the neighbor) takes Noah out of the room. At this point he was still ticking but the seizure was over. They took his stats, all normal but he was completely out of it. They took his sugar which was pretty low (60).
10:00am - We decide to take him to the South campus Children's hospital. This isn't normal protocol but they decided it was worth it. I told them that if they didn't take him there, I would drive him there myself. I get my stuff gather, and we take off non emergent.
They let me ride in the back with him, strapped down to the gurney I am holding him. The drive is around 30minutes. We get into a room right away. The poor little guy was pooped, so he fell asleep on me for a while. We repeat our story to several different people, before seeing the Dr. The Dr then gets the story and watches the many videos I had taken of his episodes.
My guess was an ear infection, considering his mood and everything that had been going on this week, but no fever.
She checks his right ear, but it has too much ear wax in the way, she needs to clean it. This really pissed him off, poor baby. Then my suspicions were right, he has a very bad ear infection in the right ear. She didn't even bother to check the other ear. They decide to change his meds to a stronger antibiotic, refill our Diastat and give us more numbing ear drops (a life saver drug).
We leave to get something to eat, after a good nap at the ER, Austin is his happy sweet loving self. He is dancing, eating, singing, and ready to go!
So here I am, feeling better than I listened to my gut. I knew something was off and I knew it was his ears. I knew this since Monday. It just needed to get bad enough for someone to listen to me. Sometimes I feel like I am the one with the medical degree, I just need a prescription pad. Lesson learned.
Hopefully we will have a very happy boy for the next 10 days and we can get some real answers from ENT next week!
This is a happy baby.
We have decided that it is now safe to leave for Pagosa tomorrow. I have all the nearest hospitals on the route mapped, now we just need to relax and have a little fun. The case of wine I just bought will ensure that ;)
What a crazy day!
Some days I worry so much that my stomach hurts, and some days I feel hopeful that I finally have things figured out as a mom. Today is one of those days my stomach hurts. Austin had a pretty bad breath holding spell this morning. I am not sure what triggered it exactly. Maybe it was waking up at 5:15am, maybe it was pain induced as he was crawling into the kitchen. What I do know is I do not want to see my baby suffer this way anymore. Luckily he was able to go back to sleep at 7:00am for a much needed nap. We have big plans to go on a family vacation tomorrow to Pagosa Springs with Adam's family. This will be a 5-7 hour drive, and once we get there the boys could be overtired and off on their sleep patterns. Do we go because we want to and take the chance of having crabby boys, or do we bail because life is such a delicate balance everyday. I found myself researching if there was a hospital near the condo, hoping that would help my decision. There is one right down the street, but yet I still feel nervous. Perhaps these are nerves of our first road trip with the boys and I am afraid it will frazzle us too much, or maybe I am nervous about setting Austin up for more episodes with his lack of sleep. Noah deserves to go, Noah deserves to keep his life as normal as possible. I just don't know what to do.
December 7, 2011
Tired BHS and Ears
Austin had real BHS before bed. Poor guy was overtired from all the events yesterday without a nap.
Today after nap he woke up screaming bloody murder and had another BHS but this time he should have been rested. So I decided to try the ear drops, he was happily playing in less than 5 minutes. The ENT appointment cannot come soon enough!
Today after nap he woke up screaming bloody murder and had another BHS but this time he should have been rested. So I decided to try the ear drops, he was happily playing in less than 5 minutes. The ENT appointment cannot come soon enough!
December 6, 2011
Echo Cardiogram Normal!
Today was a very big day. We had our Echo Cardiogram and saw a cardiologist. When we arrived they weighted and measured him. He weighed 18lbs, same as yesterday, but he is 29.75 inches long which is 15-25% for height. He is getting longer but slowly gaining weight, our tall and skinny kid. They took his blood pressure, which was normal. This was a relief because at the neuro appt it was a bit high. After we were checked in we reviewed everything with the Dr. She listened to his murmur, but said that it is becoming more faint. The EKG was performed and was normal. We then went to the ultrasound room for the Echo. My precious little guy laid perfectly still on the bed for almost 20 minutes, so we didn't even need to sedate him. I was so amazed and proud of him, he was so brave. After the ultrasound, the Dr came in and gave the ALL CLEAR! She said that whatever is going on with him she is 100% sure that it is not his heart. I am so relieved. Today was a good day and a big step for me. I was so worried that his poor little heart was "broken", but it is normal and strong. I am so happy to have this milestone behind us. They also took blood to check Feritin and iron levels. We will know more about those in a week or so. Next step is the appointment with ENT on the 15th of December.
Noah was able to spend a few hours with Aunt Rachelle and baby Hudson. He was so excited that Aunt Chelle was picking him up from school. Thank you for the help Aunt Chelle!
Noah was able to spend a few hours with Aunt Rachelle and baby Hudson. He was so excited that Aunt Chelle was picking him up from school. Thank you for the help Aunt Chelle!
December 5, 2011
BHS at the Grocery store :(
Austin had a real BHS at the grocery store this morning. He was sitting in the cart, pretty happy, although he wanted for me to hold him. I kept telling him no, we are almost done. All of a sudden he became pretty angry, so I picked him up hoping he would get himself out of a BHS. He proceeded into a full spell. I had to hold him on his side, like a baby. I wanted to hide his face so on looking shoppers couldn't see his blue face. He held his breath long enough to arch his back and kick his legs. He then passed out. When he woke up, he was pretty out of it and still upset. He then threw up all over the front of my shirt. On the way to the store he had slammed a bottle in the car, so I think he had a little stomach pain, upset or gas, which is what set off the sudden spell. It seems that they have a trend of always being followed by pain, whether it is his ears, stomach, or some sort of inflicted pain. We had to leave immediately, luckily we were almost done. He had another spell at the grocery store last week, but someone was watching and the lady came over very freaked out. She wanted to call 911, which I can understand her concern. A baby turning blue, can be disturbing. Luckily I convinced her to wait it out and that he would be okay. It looks like I will be making my future trips to the store alone!
Austin was so fussy after his nap today that I decided to take him in to get his ears double checked. I thought maybe an infection because when I gave him some ear numbing drops his mood greatly improved. He even wanted to eat! The Dr said that there was not an infection, however, his ears were a little concave, which can cause pressure. So we are still on track to see ENT on the 15th. He weighed, 18lbs 2oz. A 2% increase from last week!
Tomorrow is the Echo Cardiogram and the Cardiologist. It will be nice to get that appointment out of the way.
Austin was so fussy after his nap today that I decided to take him in to get his ears double checked. I thought maybe an infection because when I gave him some ear numbing drops his mood greatly improved. He even wanted to eat! The Dr said that there was not an infection, however, his ears were a little concave, which can cause pressure. So we are still on track to see ENT on the 15th. He weighed, 18lbs 2oz. A 2% increase from last week!
Tomorrow is the Echo Cardiogram and the Cardiologist. It will be nice to get that appointment out of the way.
December 4, 2011
Fun family days & a real BHS
Noah had such a great time in the snow today. He and Daddy used the snow blower anywhere they could, going up and down the street shoveling our neighbor's driveways. He jumped, rolled, and ran in the snow. It is amazing how just a little snow can make a little boy so happy! We expect to get 6-8 more inches tomorrow!
Austin had his first real breath holding spell today that was initiated by pain. He was trying to crawl away while getting his diaper changed and his leg skin was caught in the zipper. He held his breath, breathed out, and turned blue. He passed out and was upset when he woke up. Other than this spell, his mood has been very good. He is very playful and his eating is still doing pretty well. We are still treating with Iron therapy, however, this was his last day of antibiotics.
We went to the mall today and got Austin's first real pair of shoes! They are pretty cute, Robeez Mini shoes. Now all we need is a walker! The boys did great at the mall, they got to ride the train, jump in the bouncy house, and run crazy. It was nice to get out on the snowy day. Noah even got to see Santa! Santa sent him this awesome video when we got home:
Message from Santa
Austin had his first real breath holding spell today that was initiated by pain. He was trying to crawl away while getting his diaper changed and his leg skin was caught in the zipper. He held his breath, breathed out, and turned blue. He passed out and was upset when he woke up. Other than this spell, his mood has been very good. He is very playful and his eating is still doing pretty well. We are still treating with Iron therapy, however, this was his last day of antibiotics.
We went to the mall today and got Austin's first real pair of shoes! They are pretty cute, Robeez Mini shoes. Now all we need is a walker! The boys did great at the mall, they got to ride the train, jump in the bouncy house, and run crazy. It was nice to get out on the snowy day. Noah even got to see Santa! Santa sent him this awesome video when we got home:
Message from Santa
December 1, 2011
Snow! & mild BHS
It snowed around 5 inches today! The older kids loved it!
The roads were not great, so I had to wake Austin from his nap today to get Noah from school. He was still very tired, which caused his first few breath holding spells after being BHS free for 48 hours. However, his spells today were very mild. He would cry, turn pale, but not pass out. He was still in a very good mood though, he loves to play ball! He is also talking up a storm. He has so many new words each day that I just can't keep up.
I made the Echo Cardiogram appointment for next Tuesday the 6th. He still has 2 more days on antibiotics. We are also giving him 2ml of Iron each day.
Next steps are the Echo on Tuesday, ENT on December 15th and continue Iron therapy.
Noah and Austin love the Christmas tree, so I snapped a shot of Noah and their cousins in front of the tree!
Happy Holidays!
The roads were not great, so I had to wake Austin from his nap today to get Noah from school. He was still very tired, which caused his first few breath holding spells after being BHS free for 48 hours. However, his spells today were very mild. He would cry, turn pale, but not pass out. He was still in a very good mood though, he loves to play ball! He is also talking up a storm. He has so many new words each day that I just can't keep up.
I made the Echo Cardiogram appointment for next Tuesday the 6th. He still has 2 more days on antibiotics. We are also giving him 2ml of Iron each day.
Next steps are the Echo on Tuesday, ENT on December 15th and continue Iron therapy.
Noah and Austin love the Christmas tree, so I snapped a shot of Noah and their cousins in front of the tree!
Happy Holidays!
48 hours BHS free!
That's right, we are 48 hours breath holding spell free! And even then the last spell was not that bad! So 3 days without a bad breath holding spell! We are very thankful to be making some progress. I plan to call Neurology to share the good news, and to schedule the MRI and Echo Cardiogram.
This was Austin and Noah at the park yesterday. Noah loves his brother so much. Austin is falling in Noah's footsteps by picking the biggest slide at the park!
This was Austin and Noah at the park yesterday. Noah loves his brother so much. Austin is falling in Noah's footsteps by picking the biggest slide at the park!
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