We don't know when, or if they will help but we convinced the ENT to give them a try. Austin had a hearing test, a fluid test, and an overall exam. Everything looks normal, and the antibiotics are doing their job. The ENT is not convicted that this will fix our overall issues, but agrees it is worth a try. If they get in and see that his adenoids are swollen, they will also remove them at the same time. They also ordered a sleep study for him in the near future, to see if he has any spells in his sleep. The bad news is we don't know how soon we can get in for the procedure. It is minimally invasive, however, considering Austin's history, they would like to perform the surgery at the main campus, just in case he has any issues. The Dr we saw doesn't have a normal opening until February, which is not acceptable. At least he agreed that we should get in sooner. He did say that we could try to get in on his "on call" day on January 12th. He also mentioned that someone else my have an opening sooner, so now we wait for his assistant to call us in the next few days with an opening. He said that he was going to recommend that this was emergent, so we hope it will help. At this rate I would spend our Christmas in the hospital if it meant we avoid Austin feeling bad again. Good news is we still have antibiotics until next Monday, so at least I know we will have a happy boy until then. The plan is to schedule the surgery as soon as possible and continue to treat him with ear drops until then. I just hope he is happy and healthy through Christmas. I know that tubes will not be the answers to all of our issues, I just hope to give my poor little guy a break. I am sure there will be more BHS and more Seizures, I just hope we can make life a little easier for him.
His blood results were also returned today - Iron, Feritin, Hemoglobin are all normal.
Here is a video of his hearing test. It was pretty cool. They would give a certain low pitched sound from a box in the room. If he looked at it, a monkey or puppy would light up in the box as a reward. This was one test that he actually enjoyed!
And here is a picture of our happy boy on meds, it is so nice to see him on a constant basis lately. He has such a funny personality! He is also eating like crazy. He loves to eat food, feed himself and he has almost doubled his intake of formula per day! Lets hope we can put some pounds on him while he feels good.
That is good news, I am betting it will help a ton!!
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