
December 9, 2011

A mother's insticts are always right

I knew it, my previous post from this morning was correct. I knew something in my gut was warning me that he was getting worse.  As I feared, Austin had his 3rd seizure today.
 5:15am - We hear Austin stirring for the day, this is his usual wake up time.  Adam and I debate who's day it was to get up with him.  Adam finally got up with him because I was still so sleepy from not sleeping well the night before.  Unfortunately my mind was going 100 miles per hour, so I wasn't able to go back to sleep.  I joined him and Austin downstairs for some coffee.  His mood seemed to be a little off and clingy, he needed all of daddy's attention.
7:00am - Austin had a bad breath holding spell.  He was climbing up the stairs in the kitchen and we heard a small thump.  I am not sure if it was him, or the ball he was playing with.  We laid him down on his side, to continue to episode.  This was a really bad one, I was really nervous.  He had a typical BHS and became very sleepy.  I decided to put him down for a nap to hopefully help his mood.  The kids came over, but Austin was still asleep.  I had the next door neighbor take the older kids to school.
8:45am - Austin wakes from his nap, in a pretty good mood but very testy.  I decided to keep this kids upstairs to try and pack for the trip, still not sure if we were still going. At this point Austin had had only 4-6ounces of formula and he really didn't want to eat.
9:15am - We were in Noah's room, the boys are happily playing and Austin starts to have another breath holding spell.  I am not sure what set this one off either, so I lay him down on his side to assume the normal position.
9:18am - Seizure. I pick him up after the BHS to comfort him and notice that he is starting to seize.  I take him downstairs because that is where we keep the Diastat.  Instructions say to wait 3 minutes before giving the Diastat.  I think this is how long I waited, but the next few minutes are a little confusing. 
9:20am - At this point I am trying to juggle a seizing baby, recording his siezure, calling my husband, getting ready to give the Diastat, call 911, and get my toddler out of the room and dressed.
9:21am - I call Adam while giving the Diastat, I was trying to keep my cool but at this point I was starting to get a little frazzled.
9:21am - Call 911.  I quickly figure out that while I am on the phone with 911 I should still be videoing his episode for the Dr.  So I go to find my camera, luckily it was out for the trip.
While all of this is going on I am trying to convince Noah to go and get dressed.  Noah likes to run around in his underwear, but I couldn't have him running out to see the firetruck naked!  So I am still trying to calm Austin, record the event, talk to 911, and get Noah dressed. 
9:25am - I call Adam again, the seizure had started to subside.  I also call my mom to come help with Noah (who still needs to get dressed!)
9:27am - The paramedics arrive and my next door neighbor.  Mandy (the neighbor) takes Noah out of the room.  At this point he was still ticking but the seizure was over. They took his stats, all normal but he was completely out of it.  They took his sugar which was pretty low (60).
10:00am - We decide to take him to the South campus Children's hospital.  This isn't normal protocol but they decided it was worth it.  I told them that if they didn't take him there, I would drive him there myself.  I get my stuff gather, and we take off non emergent.

They let me ride in the back with him, strapped down to the gurney I am holding him.  The drive is around 30minutes.  We get into a room right away.  The poor little guy was pooped, so he fell asleep on me for a while.  We repeat our story to several different people, before seeing the Dr.   The Dr then gets the story and watches the many videos I had taken of his episodes.

My guess was an ear infection, considering his mood and everything that had been going on this week, but no fever.
She checks his right ear, but it has too much ear wax in the way, she needs to clean it.  This really pissed him off, poor baby.  Then my suspicions were right, he has a very bad ear infection in the right ear.  She didn't even bother to check the other ear.  They decide to change his meds to a stronger antibiotic, refill our Diastat and give us more numbing ear drops (a life saver drug).

We leave to get something to eat, after a good nap at the ER, Austin is his happy sweet loving self.  He is dancing, eating, singing, and ready to go!

So here I am, feeling better than I listened to my gut.  I knew something was off and I knew it was his ears.  I knew this since Monday.  It just needed to get bad enough for someone to listen to me.  Sometimes I feel like I am the one with the medical degree, I just need a prescription pad.  Lesson learned.

Hopefully we will have a very happy boy for the next 10 days and we can get some real answers from ENT next week!

This is a happy baby.

We have decided that it is now safe to leave for Pagosa tomorrow.  I have all the nearest hospitals on the route mapped, now we just need to relax and have a little fun.  The case of wine I just bought will ensure that ;)

What a crazy day!

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