
December 5, 2011

BHS at the Grocery store :(

Austin had a real BHS at the grocery store this morning.  He was sitting in the cart, pretty happy, although he wanted for me to hold him.  I kept telling him no, we are almost done.  All of a sudden he became pretty angry, so I picked him up hoping he would get himself out of a BHS.  He proceeded into a full spell.  I had to hold him on his side, like a baby.  I wanted to hide his face so on looking shoppers couldn't see his blue face.  He held his breath long enough to arch his back and kick his legs.  He then passed out.  When he woke up, he was pretty out of it and still upset.  He then threw up all over the front of my shirt. On the way to the store he had slammed a bottle in the car, so I think he had a little stomach pain, upset or gas, which is what set off the sudden spell.  It seems that they have a trend of always being followed by pain, whether it is his ears, stomach, or some sort of inflicted pain.  We had to leave immediately, luckily we were almost done.  He had another spell at the grocery store last week, but someone was watching and the lady came over very freaked out.  She wanted to call 911, which I can understand her concern.  A baby turning blue, can be disturbing.  Luckily I convinced her to wait it out and that he would be okay.  It looks like I will be making my future trips to the store alone!

Austin was so fussy after his nap today that I decided to take him in to get his ears double checked. I thought maybe an infection because when I gave him some ear numbing drops his mood greatly improved. He even wanted to eat! The Dr said that there was not an infection, however, his ears were a little concave, which can cause pressure. So we are still on track to see ENT on the 15th. He weighed, 18lbs 2oz. A 2% increase from last week!

Tomorrow is the Echo Cardiogram and the Cardiologist.  It will be nice to get that appointment out of the way.

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